
Hermana Erickson in Peru



Hermana Meroy

Rimac is Awesome

Hola! My dad told me that instead of praying for me to stay in Bolivar, he prayed for me to be able to learn and looks like his prayers were answered because I got transferred to Rimac!! Rimac is... Continue Reading →


The best part of the week: Jonathan got baptized! He's one of the most prepared people I've ever been able to teach on my mission. He accepted everything since the first day we taught him. He shared his testimony of... Continue Reading →

Twelve Things I’ve Learned

Due to the fact that I'll hit my year mark this week, here's a list of 12 things I've learned this past year as a missionary: It's possible to eat rice, potatoes, and chicken every single day. Only in Peru.... Continue Reading →


The big news this week: The Pope came to Peru! So yeah, they closed a few roads and people were a little bit more Catholic than normal but we're hoping things die down a bit this week so we can... Continue Reading →

Joy is Possible

Joke of the week: ¿Que le dijo una pera a otra pera? ¡Espera! HAHAHAHAHA. Puns are even better in Spanish! Hermana Machuruti told me that joke the other day and I cracked up for about 5 minutes. This week I... Continue Reading →

The Reality of the Resurrection

As of Saturday, April 8, I officially have 2 months in the mission! WOOT. This week was wild, including an all day training meeting at the mission offices (where I got to see Hermana Shupe, Hermana Meroy, and Elder Baum... Continue Reading →

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